Jessie was born and raised In Rossland B.C. Canada. He is currently a third year masters of Landscape Architecture candidate at the University of Toronto Daniels School of Architecture, Landscape and Design. In 2010 Jessie received the Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design Fellowship in Landscape Architecture from Janet Rosenburg Inc. He completed his bachelor of Environmental Studies in Honors Planning, Urban Design Specialization at the University of Waterloo in 2009. Since that time Jessie has travelled and volunteered in East Africa and founded a charity called The Canada to Mombasa Youth Scholarship Fund, that is dedicated to sponsoring orphaned and at risk youth in Mombasa, Kenya to return to school and complete their educational goals. Currently the fund provides full ride scholarships for 12 youth from grades 8 to 12 as well as Universities and polytechincal schools.
Jessie’s passions lie in large scale planning and design, with a particular focus around transportation and sustaina